Drones invade 2015

Welcome to Dronewrx and 2015. This plans to be a banner year for aerial cinematography as the technology has been advancing rapidly. We’ve put the finishing touches on our newest rig the Align 480, which is small and lightweight compared to other popular rigs. With a Panasonic GH4 attached it’s a low-impact combination which is… Continue reading Drones invade 2015

FAA Inches toward making commercial drones legal

Phantom 2, Ohio River shooting a show called "Caviar Kings". The producers & I teamed up on my sizzle reel called "The Real Estate Diva" which grew out of "Rebuilding Detroit"

As you know flying Drones, UAV’s, UASs’s, Multi-rotors or whatever we’re supposed to call them for commercial purposes is a gray area. Technically nobody is supposed to charge for flying which is gotten around a multitude of ways. Seems like every day I’m noticing a low flying shot in productions and pointing it out to… Continue reading FAA Inches toward making commercial drones legal

Monkeying around with drones…

And scene...

This was just funny so I had to share it. Somehow Monkeys make everything better! Turns out these chimpanzee’s are as grouchily concerned with their privacy as my neighbors, but instead of racks and shotguns, they use sticks. Monkey’s and drones, YAY! Dr Zaius, Taylor and Nova ponder the past future… Taylor practices his aim,… Continue reading Monkeying around with drones…