

The perfect shot is a quest, a drive, a passion. It all started with humble beginnings. Skiing with a camera and the deck on my back using a tripod as a pendulum for stability, then years later to drones, to Black Arms, wirecams and Electric Unicycles…it’s been a wild ride … literally! Drones were “the gateway drug” and once we started start learning about moving a camera robotically, the intrigue never stopped. We love toys and what could be more inspiring than the Eagle Eye 100, a computerized 4 winch wirecam system. Or developing The ChaseJib, a rig to provide affordable car shots that eliminates the need for street closures & permits. Because of our expertise in various disciplines, we can provide multiple specialty shots in one day. On WipeOut, we flew the drone in the AM, then the EagleCam in the PM. We’ve shot both car-to-car and drone-to-car on the same day. Scroll down to learn about the specialty services we offer, then buckle up, ’cause the ride is just getting started.

Specialty is our specialty

"There's no business like drone business" With over 10 years flying drones commercially, we've expanded our offerings.

We now offer the Eagle Eye 100, a swiss made, four winch - robotic cable camera system that provides safe, silent, dynamic, repeatable camera shots to your production. With speeds up to 6 mps and payloads up to 23 kg. The EagleCam is, powerful, reliable, versatile and intelligent. even better … affordable. Some of our recent credits are Wipe Out, Coachella, Ford 2024 Dark Horse Mustang release. In this vein of camera movement we offer the Dactyl Cam. A point to point friction based system, but we've added some secret sauce for steeper inclines with our EagleCam winches.

The ChaseJib is a hitch mountable jib that provides Arm Car type shots for a fraction of the cost & set up, BUT without having to close streets. You can hire us or rent it. Combine our services to provide multiple camera specialties with one crew, reducing labor costs. We shot season 9 of TBS WipeOut , flying drone in the morning, and EagleCam in the afternoon/night. We recently provided both drone and ChaseJib to the production of Wheeler Dealers.

Our services

We are excited about the launch of EagleCam a four winch Eagle Eye camera system can provide silent, safe, repeatable aerial shots to your production, augmented reality, show or concert. With speeds up to 6 mps and payloads up to 23 kg. The EagleCam is, powerful, reliable, versatile and intelligent. but most importantly for producers … affordable.

What makes this even more interesting to productions is that we can combine our services to provide more than one camera specialty at a time, bringing labor costs down. We shot season 9 of TBS WipeOut and provided drone in the morning, then EagleCam in the afternoon/Evening. We’ve provided both drone and ChaseJib to the production of Wheeler Dealers.

We also offer aerial stock shots of Los Angeles. As an LA native, and ten years of shooting with drones, we’ve built up quite a library of LA’s iconic locations. Reach out and let us know what you need!

Dronewrx has partnered with Industry Sherpa to purchase the Swiss made Eagle Eye 100 wirecam system, creating a new entity: EAGLECAM.US. Our decade+ of experience with drones has taught us that having the right tool for the job is essential, and while drones are our favorite, there are limitations. With speeds up to 6 meters per second and payloads up to 50 lbs, the EagleEye 100 has 2 powered cables which eliminates the need for battery changes. The other 2 cables contain fiber that carries data + video making for a rock solid signal path. Our system was the first of its kind in the US.

EagleCam is, powerful, reliable, versatile and intelligent. but best of all affordable. The EagleCam 4 winch robotic camera system can provide silent, safe, repeatable aerial camera movement to your production, augmented reality show or concert, for about the price of a Techno Crane 50. Take your production value to the next level with our cutting edge system!


Powerful enough to fly a variety of camera payloads; the Eagle Eye has the power to fly broadcast cameras & cinema cameras with speeds up to 6m/sec.


The Eagle Eye is built with a 12:1 safety ratio, duplicate braking for secure transitions and an enhanced winch design capable of traversing silently over your cast, crowd or crew.


The Eagle Eye can fly a variety of stabilized heads to accommodate any productions need. It’s a modular system, quick to install, with minimal crew – 1D, 2D & 3D configurations are possible.


Programmable flight controls enable the pilot to maintain control in free flight, or easily program repeatable paths to ensure full control of the move over and over again.


The EagleCam is the most affordable wirecam unit available that can carry full cinema or TV camera + lens payloads.

Wipe Out Season 9

EagleCam is featured on the soon to be released season of TBS’s WipeOut. We flew drone in the morning on the larger course, then EagleCam in the afternoon/night courses. We did that with one team: Drew Cobb pilot and Eric Bergez Camera op, performing the same function with both sets of equipment. Production was thrilled!
Our footage was so key that they are skipping a season they had on hold, in favor of the EagleCam footage. Director Rich Kim felt that connecting the action was a missing link in the coverage. Apparently the producers were in agreement!

EagleCam Configurations

1D Configuration. This set-up is often referred to as an “elevator cam”. It moves the dolly straight up and down.

2D Configuration. This set-up moves back and forth, with the added feature of raising and lowering the camera dolly.

3D Configuration. This is the ultimate wirecam system, it can move in all directions & repeat moves up to 6mps

Point-to-point options

Friction based. This is the simplest wirecam system to set up, and the fastest, based on the Dactylcam Sled. This set-up can travel up to 40mph in a straight line at an angle of up to *10º.
It is purely wireless.

Winch based. Using two of our EagleCam winches, this configuration can move the camera sled up + down at angles greater than 10º. Using our EagleCam winches it can be connected via fiber for a rock solid connection.

Dronewrx has extensive experience with most stabilized camera specialties. We can provide your production: Rail-Cams, Car-cranes, boat mounts, cable cams and more. If we don’t do it, we can recommend someone that does.


When a 3-Dimentional, silent, repeatable, safe solution, with a full sized camera package is needed.

Chase Jib

Our proprietary Chase Jib provides Arm Car type shots, for a fraction of the cost, and doesn’t require closing roads

Rail Cam

Custom preset cameras which are very low profile and provide super dynamic moving shots in live & recorded shows

We’ve been R&D-ing this exclusive piece of gear for the past few years, and offer The ChaseJib as a service, or a rental. We pair it with our Flowcine Black Arm + Custom Tranquilizer to provide the smoothest, most jitter free shots available. Our unit can fly full sized camera packages, and with the Movi Xl we can over-sling the gimbal to get a perspective of up to 15′ high.

ChaseJib framed by the Vincent-Thomas Bridge

Our lead tech, Eric Bergez (IATSE 600), can combine the Black Arm/Tranquilizer combo with a stabilized for a package that provides silky smooth camera movement. We feature the the extremely powerful MoVI XL (for hire or rent) which can stabilize camera packages up to 55lbs, plus it can accommodate larger form factors such as film cameras.

Hacks Season 2

Our ChaseJib EZ was recently rented by the crew of HBO’s HACK’S. The ChaseJib EZ is a simple repositioning tool which is MUCH quicker to mount to a vehicle than the hours it takes to rig a vehicle with speed rail (it takes >15 minutes), and makes moving the camera from left to right, from up high (12′) to “worms eye view” a push of a button. We helped them rig it up for the first time, and off they went on their 2 week, cross country journey!

Our rigs are regularly used on top TV shows. Rail cams, cable cams, Agito and more. Our remote camera work can be seen on The Masked Singer, So You Think You Can Dance? Master Chef, Coachella 2023, Kanye West, Wheeler Dealers, Kenny Loggins, Superbowl LVI Opening, etc., etc....

A combination of services, and our teams ability to multi-task, makes it simple and affordable to have multiple hero shots on your production. We can provide youu with professional specialty camera shots at a price that will make your producer happy!

The EagleCam on final